Entries in Phase One IQ160 (1)


Nikon D800 vs Phase One IQ160 Medium Format By Cameralabs

Nikon D800 vs Phase One IQ160 Medium Format RAW quality

"With 36 Megapixels, the Nikon D800 comes closer to medium format territory than any DSLR before it, and at a much more affordable price too. Which of course begs the question how the D800 actually compares to a medium format camera in practice. On this page you'll see how 36 Megapixels measure-up to 60, but please bear in mind this was a casual extra test performed out of curiousity when the opportunity arose. In particular I didn't have access to the right prime lenses for a truly fair comparison, so please take the results for what they are: a fun side-by-side view giving a rough idea of where the leading technologies in each format are currently at."

Nikon D800 vs Phase One IQ160